Tuesday 16 May 2017

Instant Messaging Guidelines

In our last few IT lessons, we were focusing on instant messaging guidelines and talking about how the person the you're texting can't see your facial expression or tone. After we had that short discussion, we were given a task to do. In this task we would make a poster on how messaging can go wrong, and just a few sentences explaining the guidelines. A few minutes ago, they just came up during our IT lesson so that we could explain it to them and answer their questions. One person in our class would be paired with someone from the grade 4's class. This was to help them because apparently there were a few issues with them not understanding the tone that the other person was using or taking the message in the wrong way because they can't see the other person's facial expression.

                Created in Google Drawings


  1. Great job Sean it was very interesting

  2. Sean your why on how you wrote what to do and not to do. I loved it

  3. Great job Sean, it was very interesting.

  4. Sean I really enjoyed your Blog because you did a good example on texting.
